The Paper Lamp: An Eco-friendly Yet Stylish Lighting System

Owning an eco-friendly item at home does not mean being old-fashioned. Many of the eco-friendly items nowadays are stylish making them look like made of first hand or environment harming materials. The Paper Lamps is one of the stylish home lighting system that you can have at home without worrying of harming the environment. Presumably, …

Float Lamp By Benjamin Hubert

Style can be achieve even if you are using recycled materials, and that is what Benjamin Hubert is trying prove with his stylish float lamp that is made of waste cork from the manufacturers of wine stoppers. Created for Danish design brand Unique Copenhagen, the Float pendant lamp of Benjamin Hubert will be presented at …

Different Recycling Ideas For A Greener Surroundings

Even when thing are recycled or are made of recycled materials, spending a some amount of money Is sometimes needed to complete a design made of recycled materials. However, recycling can also cost you zero to a very minimal amount depending on the design you are making and how will you recycle things. Many of …

Crafted Systems Rug: An Eco-friendly Floor Coverings By Aurelie Tu

An item can be called eco-friendly based on various reasons. Some are because they are made of recycled materials; others are because they are manufactured with less energy used, while others are recyclable. The Crafted Systems Rug by Aurelie Tu is a truly eco-friendly covering for your modern home. It is hand crafted in partnership …

The Urchin Softlight: An Eco-friendly Yet Stylish Outdoor Lighting Solution

Stylish lamps don’t need to be energy consuming or be made of first hand materials. They can also be made of recycled items and uses energy saving lamp without sacrificing style and quality. The Urchin Softlight is just a few of the great examples of eco-friendly lighting system that are stylish and elegant. The Urchin …

Paper Tiger Products By Anthony Dan

Made from recycled and recyclable materials, the tiger products by Australian designer Anthony Dan are an eco-friendly products that are flat packed temporary structures for easy transportation. Main materials of the products are cardboard and translucent plastics. Cardboards are used for graohics and branding purposes while the plastics are made perfect as impermanent recyclable light …