Architecture Recycle

Parksite: A Renewed Ambulance Garage

Re-using old structure may require lots of courage and artistic minds just to make the old structure renewed, modern, and inviting to use again. On the other hand, re-using old structure doe not only bring joy to its users but also to the environment. Instead of wrecking an old structure and add the debris to …

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Underground Green City: Soon To Be Built In Russia

Mining generally destroys the environment and landslide may occur when heavy rain pours. In Eastern Siberia, Russia, there was this about 550 meters deep mine that will soon be renewed by an architectural company from Russia. The plans has just recently unveiled and this huge eco-friendly underground city will surely catch every environmentalists attention. If …

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Architecture Recycle

Fridge Igloo: Another Eco-Architecture?

Green architecture, container architecture and now fridge architecture? Well, I am not complaining here. I am just so happy seeing different possibilities and ways in saving the environment. We all know that refrigerators can harm our green house gases and by the time, its life ends, it will create another harmful effect to the environment …

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